Cheapest and Fastest

Keeping Busy Birds

Green-Cheek Conures have an active personality, agile and always on the go,  they needed to be kept busy and stimulated with constant contact with their human friends or they tend to quack the whole time.

One of the opportunity for them to learn and adopt easily is by providing them different stimulated activities whether it is a toy or a trick to learn.

One of the best activity is having a clear jar with treats on it and letting them work for those treats. You can be creative what you want to give, You can start off with their favorite treats and work on it to give healthier treats such as fresh or dried fruits, vegetables and 
homemade nutri-berries

This will not only allow them to be entertained but also to work on something they want, it will also provide them physical activity that they would enjoy. It also provides them chances on how to strategically use different method in order to get the price.

The Hen basically figure it out easily while the Cock takes time to digest how the activity works.

I truly enjoyed watching them...

E N J O Y!

Feather Hugs


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