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Hand-feeding and Gain Bird's Trust Instantly


The most challenging training of acquiring a bird that has been 2-3 years old is personally handfeeding them in order to gain their trust instantly. 

Most of the birds I got are not Handfed, in whch they grew up with other birds in the Aviary) 

Step 1 Your Hand is a Bird's Platter

Don't leave a platter of food in the cage except for Water. This gives the bird an opportunity to seek out instinctively for food and they can only find it from you. 

Step 2 Hand-over Treats

On their cage you can hand over a few seeds, fruits and vegetables, they might resist at first  but eventually  will come along... 
The birds view your hand as a predator so make sure to move your other hand. At this stage you have break the ice...

Step 2 Repeat the Steps

Repeat this Step every hour, occasionally moving and showing your Hands until they feel comfortable and can finally place your Hand inside their cage. At this stage they initially trusted you...

This is the best time to introduce vegetables and fruits if they were not used to having these as part of their previous Meals along with their seeds. Check out my Bird Chops soon.

Step 3 Let them come to you

Once they are comfortable eating from your hands, another step would be moving away your hand a bit further and further until they start to reach out and eventually jump over your Hand. You can gauge their trust level a this time. If hesitation persisting, slow down and repeat the First  and  second Steps.
At point their trust is on another level...

As I  training a set of birds. It is usually the Cock (Male) who will initiate and follow commands thereafter the hen...

Try it and you can thank me later...

E n J o Y !


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